Celebrate Good Times

Spotlight / Shoot Spotlight
Rachel Brinton Matthews
Sep 20, 2022
From the warm feeling of hugging loved ones, to the joy of a party in full swing – the appeal of celebrating together will always be a fundamental part of the human experience. Over the last couple of years, the need to come together with friends and family has felt more poignant – and our Visual GPS data shows a continuous increase in search terms for ‘celebration’, ‘togetherness’ and ‘party’ since 2020.
I collaborated with the London‑based creative duo, Flashpop for this shoot. We worked together to devise a clear narrative around a surprise birthday party – aiming to convey moments of love, laughter and lots of dancing. We also looked at loads of inspirational references (from commercials to short films) to help inform our production choices and what moments would be best to focus on. With a big production like this most of the work goes into pre‑production planning – decisions about casting, prop choices and styling to name a few. Getting these details right is essential to making something special. The warm tones of the color palette can be seen across the location, props, and styling and the authentic summer haze spilling in through the windows was expertly created. You’d never guess this was shot during a highly unseasonal UK snow storm!
Whether your visual need is for moments of togetherness, a celebratory surprise, or dancing like no one is watching, this exuberant production captures all of these concepts perfectly.
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