Nurturing Resilience in Post-Pandemic Brazil

Trends / Wellness
FG Trade
Federico Roales
Jul 6, 2023
As the nation gradually emerges from the Covid‑19 crisis, there has been a growing acknowledgment1 of the importance of prioritizing mental well‑being in Brazil. It’s worth noting that, compared to other countries, Brazil is among those where concern for mental health reaches higher levels2, and the losses caused by the pandemic have led people to reflect more on life. A recent research conducted by Docway3 stated that Brazil experienced a 1290% increase in psychiatry and psychology appointments in 2022. There was also a 36.5% growth in the diagnosis of patients with anxiety disorders. That makes Brazil the country with the highest rates of anxiety and depression in Latin America, with nearly 19 million people affected by these conditions.

Among the specific causes that explain this phenomenon are social conditions in the country which include low education levels, high crime rates, infrastructure problems and poor‑quality public services. Moreover, individuals continue to experience physical sequelae from the pandemic, including the constant threat of falling ill which drives worry. According to our Visual GPS consumer survey, three quarters of Brazilians have growing concerns about what the future has in store for them, especially as it relates to their financial and health stability.
The disconnect between mental health and visual representation. 
Getty Images VisualGPS research reveals that 3 in 5 Brazilians see improving their mental health as a top goal in life. In spite of this ongoing focus on mental health from Brazilians, we’ve observed a disconnect within the visual media landscape. Visuals showing mental health topics are still featured in less than 5% of the most downloaded content by brands and advertisers in Brazil. According to VisualGPS research, two thirds of Brazilian consumers find it challenging to openly discuss mental health matters, and 96% express a need for increased support dealing with emotional disorders. This presents an opportunity for brands to increase the visibility of mental well‑being to help normalize the conversation.

So what are the best ways to do this? With positive depictions of mental health support! Our visual testing reveals that showing the many daily activities and proactive ways in which Brazilians engage to improve their mental wellbeing connects best with consumers. While the impact of the pandemic has seen a 49% increase in visuals of negative emotions (frustration, sadness, or stress), in Brazilian customers' most downloaded images, positive connections matter. Visuals that show Brazilians sharing openly, caring together and taking positive steps within their community creates a deeper connection with brand audiences. 
1 2 "Preocupação do brasileiro com saúde mental quase triplicou em 4 anos, mostra pesquisa" (BBC Brazil)
3 "Brasil é o país com mais pessoas ansiosas na América Latina, aponta OMS" (Brasil 61)
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