Togetherness is Wellness

Trends / Wellness
Thomas Barwick
Federico Roales
Jun 9, 2022
Before the global pandemic, the wellness industry was most associated with aspirational visualizations of scenarios such as yoga classes, gazing at idyllic landscapes with open arms, or sunbathing on the beach. Yet, the global crisis has been a wake‑up call where wellness has fallen off its aspirational pedestal and turned into a social and emotional issue where accessibility to wellness is vital for all. At Getty Images, our customer searches reflect this growing pattern with terms such as “wellness,” “wellbeing,” and “self care” continuing to rise over the last two years. According to Getty Images VisualGPS research, 94% of consumers now place equal importance on taking care of themselves emotionally as well as physically. So what kinds of wellness visuals best reflect this change to create a more meaningful engagement with today's consumer? 
Togetherness is Wellness
Togetherness is now closely entwined with wellness. Wellness means many things to consumers, but Getty Images VisualGPS research indicates that togetherness is the most important value. 65% of global consumers say wellness is about getting together with family and friends. However, our customers in the last 12 months continue to favor wellness visuals that depict people alone. Moreover, only 1 in 10 wellness visuals show people interacting with friends or spending time with their families. Showing togetherness in wellness visuals that focus on social and emotional relationships with friends and families can address this gap and tell more holistic stories around wellness.
Power of Inclusive Sport
One of the most common visual depictions of wellness is physical exercise. In the past 12 months, 38% of wellness visuals favored by Getty Images customers show sport scenes. However, individual wellness predominates as only 1% of these images feature a team sport. Wellness therefore is shown as solitary rather than a community‑based activity of togetherness. Furthermore, individual wellness visuals favor younger people. Less than 15% of physical wellness visuals depict older adults. According to Getty Images VisualGPS research, visuals showing people of different ages engaging with sport most engages today's consumers. Wellness can be better represented by showing a group of adults enjoying a sport together rather than just by a marathon runner sprinting through the Alps.
Less aspirational Wellness
While aspirational visual storytelling around wellness worked historically, 71% of global consumers would now prefer to buy from brands who represent a similar lifestyle to their own in visual communications. There is a huge opportunity for brands to connect through more holistic wellness visual storytelling. Visuals that show real people reaping the emotional and social rewards of togetherness in their relationships is a key aspect of wellness. 
Destination: Wellness