Reconnecting: Wellness and Yoga

Spotlight / Shoot Spotlight
10'000 Hours
Josie Gealer Ng
Apr 15, 2021
This new shoot by UK photographer Gary Burchell focuses on a yoga retreat and is a strong example of showing real, uplifting depictions of wellness and exercise. We worked together on scenarios and casting that would feel inclusive and open to tangible concepts exploring community and togetherness.

At Getty Images the topic of Wellness is one we have been helping our audience and customers navigate through our Visual GPS. Wellness is a huge focus for both consumers and brands alike and with the events of the last year, there has been an even greater focus on the connections between physical, mental and emotional health. Meditation has been present for thousands of years and was often perceived as a spiritual practice. However, in recent times, mindfulness—and yoga—have become prominent ways to help people regulate stress and improve overall health and well‑being.

A lot of people took to their mats during lockdown to calm their minds and lift their spirits, for many this has only been possible via a computer screen. For some, an online class was an easier first step on the yoga path than entering a real studio, but after a year of practicing solo, people now more than ever are looking for ways to reconnect in the real world and be part of a community vibe as a way of moving forward.
The Joy of Movement