Finding Your Footing Through Sport

Spotlight / Shoot Spotlight
Thomas Barwick
Amy Lehfeldt
Apr 29, 2019
There aren’t many things in life that are worth getting up at 5:30 AM on a Saturday morning, but this shoot with Thomas Barwick & co. might be one of them. We spent the day with a group of skate‑and‑surf addicted young adults who donate their weekend time to a nonprofit teaching disadvantaged, at‑risk youth about the benefits of an active lifestyle through skateboarding, surfing, and camping.

As the sun rose over the hills of southern California, we watched sleepy‑eyed kids transform into enthusiastic learners and daredevils. I loved watching the kids face each new challenge – and noticed that the most unlikely member of the group was a little girl that was, quite boldly, game for anything.

Building a sense of community is more important than ever ‑ and we know our customers are looking to address this head on.  Working with this real group of young people was inspiring to witness.  This series portrays a genuine community spirit ‑ a story that often doesn’t get celebrated.
Millennial Beauty